Original Ham Flavor
Experience the exceptional with Bezerky's Jerky Original Ham Flavor— an innovative twist on a traditional family recipe. Bursting with great ham flavor and a uniquely satisfying taste, this brand-new jerky is crafted with all-natural ingredients, free from GMOs and gluten. Packed with nutrition, it's the perfect healthy snack for those on the go. Embrace the balance of flavor and well-being – Bezerky's Jerky is where tradition meets modern, creating the ideal, convenient snack for your active lifestyle and it's 5-star rated.
Our flavorful ham jerky comes in individual packages of 3.3 ounces or 3- and 6-pack sets.
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All Natural* Fresh Ham**, Organic Maple Syrup, No GMO Cane Sugar, Sea Salt, Cultured Celery Powder (celery powder, sea salt)
* no artificial ingredients, no hormones, and minimally processed
** uncured and uncooked